How LED lights are playing a significant role in lighting the future ahead

The world has been advanced and is improving every day not only in its technologies but also in its capabilities. Because of the oath to make the future an eco-friendly and advanced place, it is dedicating each day to wave the future with earth-friendly possessions.
LED lightings and solar lightings are one of the parts of such future saving projects as it is life-long and lower power consumption lighting when compared to the incandescent lighting. LED lightings feature in many electronics like the marine LED navigation lights. Below we have answered some of the valuable questions as to why such lightings make itself an economical and durable choice.
At first, before we move on to why LED lightings should be used let’s talk about the marine navigation lights.

 What are marine navigation lights?

A marine navigation light or position light is the only source of light to watercraft apart from the natural lights. They work to provide information regarding the nearby visuals and vessels for the awareness of the status around. Note that marine navigation lights are not a source of light for creating passage but to create awareness to the nearby vessels.
Marine navigation lights are exercised to display sidelights of red and green color along with mast headlight of white color. These three lights play a major role in the watercraft’s navigation process, between the dawn and dust or in the fog and rain; they turn even the worst challenging situations to easy access for the vessels to pass by. 

Marine LED navigation lights

Watercrafts: Basic color lighting requirements

Vessels are instructed to mount navigation lights to determine the relative angle, size, and type of the approaching vessels, and thus avoid collisions and dangers at sea.
·         The first light required to carry by these vessels is “green light”, placed on the starboard part or in simple words on slightly left and right-half side of the vessels
·         The second light destined to carry by the vessels is “red light” directed to the port or the left side and the last light color required to carry is white
·         Stern light, the white light is placed on the two sides i.e. two lights on the behind and one on the abaft
However, some small vessels or medium-sized ships operating in busy water areas may also carry a yellow flash signal for clear visibility during any time of the day.

Why LED lightings are good choice to opt for?

LED lights are seen in different forms and are adapted by most of the people due to its eco-friendly and durability feature. Although most of you must have been quite familiar with it there are many more significant reasons to opt for it that you are unaware of. Read the content below to know more.

Marine LED navigation lights benefits

1.      Quick and easily replaceable & Energy consuming saving up to 90% energy consumption
2.      Fits in the same incandescent bulb socket
3.      Operates for a longer time without failure as compared to the ordinary bulbs
4.      Gives Spectacular lighting experience
5.      Also, comes in underwater lighting facility
6.      Adequate than older incandescent lights as rewiring is not generally necessary
7.      Some also come in a wireless form

Residential LED lights benefits

1.      Longer lifespan, last up to 40 times more than the ordinary bulbs
2.      Energy-efficient and saves more than 90% of the energy plus giving quality lighting experience
3.      100% safe
4.      Gives perfect lighting and come sin correct shape and size
5.      Tremendous design options

Outdoor LED lights benefits

1.      LED performs perfectly in normal conditions but elevates in colder weathers, making it fit for outdoor lightings in any environment
2.      High durability
3.      Low maintenance cost
4.      Flexibility
5.      The lifespan of fifty thousand to one lakh hours or sometimes even more

Find the best-LED lighting as per your preference with the CR Control System INC.

From quality, marine LED navigation lights to LED marine beacons to find almost everything with the CR Control System INC., simply give us a call on (1-603-727-9149) or send us an email to get started.
